Friday, June 18, 2010

The Kinks - Mr. Churchill Says

This is the 70th anniversary of the "Finest hour" speech and, well, this is just a kickass song. The Kinks usually wallow in irony and sarcasm, but Churchill's 1940 speeches to the British people? Those are sacred, even to them.


(Dan) said...

I'm not even sure why, but I found this subject and song complete unlistenable,I had to stop at the uptick about four minutes in.

Craig said...

You're weird, Daniel

Whisk E. Bear said...

England inflamed by stalemate in Second North African Campaign


The Battle of Britain won't amount to a plate of chips if the English football team don't win a bloody match.

Craig said...

I wish I could say that it was fun watching England get owned by the lousy Algerians, but that was the boringest game I have ever watched.

Whisk E. Bear said...

It was terrible, but not "Uruguay-France terrible."